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Dancing has always been a part of who I am, a passion that took root in my heart during my elementary school years. I remember the first time I stepped onto the stage, feeling the thrill of the music pulsing through my veins. It was a school talent show, and I was nervous, unsure if I could really move to the beat like I had practiced in front of the mirror countless times. But as soon as the music started, all my worries melted away. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, and before I knew it, I was lost in the rhythm, every step and spin bringing me joy.

From that moment on, dancing became more than just a hobby for me—it became my outlet, my way of expressing emotions that words couldn't capture. As I grew older, I continued to dance, joining school performances, and even teaching myself new moves from videos I watched online. Each time I danced, I felt more connected to myself, more confident in my abilities.

Looking back, I realize that starting to dance in elementary school was one of the best decisions I ever made. It gave me a sense of purpose and helped me build confidence at a young age. Dancing taught me discipline, perseverance, and the importance of passion. It’s a journey that began with simple steps in a school talent show but has grown into a lifelong love that continues to shape who I am today.

Lalisa Manoban, widely known as Lisa from Blackpink, has been a significant source of inspiration for me in my journey as a dancer. From the moment I first saw her perform, I was captivated by her undeniable talent, precision, and passion for dance. Lisa's performances are nothing short of mesmerizing—each movement she makes is a testament to her dedication and love for the art form. Watching her dance, I am always struck by how effortlessly she commands the stage, exuding confidence and energy that are impossible to ignore.

Lisa's journey from a young girl in Thailand to an international K-pop superstar has shown me that hard work, perseverance, and belief in oneself can turn dreams into reality. Her story resonates with me deeply; it reminds me that no matter where you come from, you can achieve greatness if you are willing to put in the effort. Lisa's versatility as a dancer—whether she's executing sharp, powerful moves in a Blackpink music video or showcasing fluid, graceful routines in her solo performances—continually motivates me to push my own boundaries and explore different styles of dance.

Beyond her technical skill, what inspires me most about Lisa is her passion for dancing. It's evident in every performance that she loves what she does, and that passion is contagious. Watching her dance not only motivates me to practice harder but also to find joy in every step I take, just as she does. Lisa's influence on me goes beyond mere admiration; she has become a role model who embodies the dedication, resilience, and love for dance that I aspire to cultivate in my own life.

In many ways, Lisa has helped me embrace my own identity as a dancer. She has shown me that dancing is not just about mastering techniques but also about expressing yourself and telling a story through movement. Her ability to convey emotion and connect with audiences worldwide inspires me to pour my heart into every dance I perform. Lisa Manoban is more than just an idol to me—she is the reason I continue to pursue dance with passion and determination, and her influence will undoubtedly shape my journey as a dancer for years to come.

lalisa manoban