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Throughout my journey at Palawan State University (PSU), one of the most rewarding experiences has been my involvement with the College of Sciences - Student Government. As a college representative, I have had the privilege of engaging with a diverse group of students and contributing to the vibrant community within the College of Sciences. This role has not only allowed me to represent the interests of my peers but has also been a gateway to forming lasting friendships and deep connections with fellow students.

Joining the College of Sciences - Student Government was a pivotal moment in my college life. It offered me a platform to actively participate in organizing events, addressing student concerns, and fostering a sense of unity within the college. Through various meetings, activities, and collaborative projects, I had the opportunity to work closely with other dedicated members of the student government. This collaborative environment not only enhanced my leadership and communication skills but also allowed me to build meaningful relationships with individuals who share similar passions and goals.

I am deeply grateful for the friendships I have cultivated through this experience. The camaraderie and support within the College of Sciences - Student Government have enriched my college life in ways I had not anticipated. The bonds formed through our shared commitment to improving student life and contributing to the college community have been invaluable. As I continue my journey as a third-year student in the BSIT program, I cherish the connections I have made and look forward to further contributing to the success and growth of our student community.

high school graduation with friends

Reflecting on my high school years at Pulot National High School in Pulot Center, Sofronio EspaƱola, Palawan, I am reminded of the profound and enduring friendships that were forged during that time. Those formative years were not only a period of academic learning but also a time when I met a group of friends who have significantly influenced my life. Despite the fact that we now attend different universities and pursue various paths, the bond we share remains as strong as ever.

Our friendship began in the vibrant halls of Pulot National High School, where we navigated the challenges and triumphs of adolescence together. We supported each other through exams, celebrated our achievements, and created countless memories that have become a cherished part of our shared history. As we embarked on our separate journeys to different universities, each of us pursuing our individual dreams and aspirations, the distance did little to diminish the strength of our connection.

Though our academic paths have diverged, the friendships we formed at Pulot National High School have endured. We continue to stay in touch, offering support and encouragement as we each face new challenges and opportunities. Our shared experiences and mutual understanding have kept our bond resilient, proving that true friendship transcends time and distance. As we forge our futures and explore new horizons, I am grateful for the lasting friendships that began in the classrooms of Pulot National High School, knowing that these relationships will remain a treasured part of my life.